Solihull Sole Sanctuary Real Reflexology Case Studies 

Kidney stones 

An elderly client had heart disease and underlying health issues in the latter stages of his life. He frequently suffered backache but pointed to the kidney area when asked to pinpoint the pain.  
I set to work on the kidney reflexes on both feet where I felt “grains of sand” under the skin. Gently massaging the kidney reflex with my thumb, I stroked down the ureter towards the bladder reflex.  
No pain was experienced during the treatment. The following day dark granules were passed in his urine and he reported the pain was relieved. 


A female client in her late fifties was suffering significant trauma that had temporarily robbed her of her peace of mind. She was getting two hours sleep every other night when she came to see me.  
The sleep deprivation was so severe that I saw the client nine times over an 11-day period. There was an improvement in sleep duration after a couple of sessions. Midway through the treatment plan, which focused on balancing the glands and the nervous system, the client reported she had fallen asleep quickly, awoken once in the night to use the bathroom and returned to bed where she fell asleep again. By the eleventh day the patient had a full night’s interrupted sleep of seven hours.  
Clearly the underlying issues that were causing the distress would still need to be addressed but the treatment provided much needed relaxation and improved sleep helping her to cope better during this period of extreme stress. 

Plantar Fasciitis 

Female client in her late twenties was receiving reflexology for a different condition when she reported an interesting improvement in the foot pain she experienced daily. A colleague had remarked to her that she had not complained about her feet hurting that day. The client had received 2 of 8 treatments at this point.  
By the end of the course of eight treatments the client reported her plantar fasciitis had greatly improved and she no longer felt pain in her feet.  
When I saw the client a year later, she remarked that she no longer suffered daily pain and that the plantar fasciitis had not returned. Whilst I do not profess that reflexology cured the plantar fasciitis I can confirm the client considered their condition was vastly improved further to the course of treatment. 
You might be interested to read Kevins comments regarding how the pain from plantar fasciitis was greatly improved after four sessions of reflexology. 

 Reflexology Disclaimer 

Reflexology is an alternative holistic therapy that complements other alternative therapies and western medicine. It is recognised and used by the NHS for pain management, fertility and maternity services and known for aiding relaxation. Many clients have reported examples of the benefits they have derived from its therapeutic effects particularly when traditional methods have not worked or have proven difficult to access. To help you make an informed choice regarding how reflexology may help you please follow the links on my website to the articles and research papers contained there.